The Community has adopted the handbook governing the conduct of residents, family and guests. This handbook also outlines the Community policies, procedures and services offered. The Community reserves the right to amend, modify or repeal any of the information contained within this document following written notice to the residents.

Assisted Living and Residential Care Philosophy

The Community is dedicated to the advancement of good health and independence for all of its residents.

The Community believes in and recognizes the physical, emotional, spiritual and behavioral needs of its residents and respects their rights as human beings. The goal of the Community is to promote each resident's self-direction and participation in decisions that emphasize choice, dignity, privacy, individuality, independence and a home-like environment.

Each of the Community employees is dedicated to good health in all areas. Our employment of personnel is based upon qualifications and not a race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. Our personnel must be of good character. They must also agree to uphold our code of ethics, abide by our standard of behavior and promote the principles of assisted living. Orientation and ongoing education are important to the development of our staff. All education programs are open to residents and family. By sharing ideas and discussing issues we can all work and live in closer communication and understanding with one another.

The Community dedicates itself to these philosophies. This is a benefit not only to residents but also to the advancement of our home.


Our community is an assisted living or residential care Community, providing residential living space under a lease agreement and also providing our residents assisted services as outlined and acknowledged in the resident handbook.

This handbook describes the understanding between the parties for the process of identification of Resident's service needs, reaching an agreement on responsibility for meeting those needs, and payment for services provided by the Community. A point system, described below, is used to measure the level of service provided by the Community. Each point is charged a posted rate. EACH RESIDENT UNDERSTANDS THAT THE COMMUNITY MAY AMEND OR REVISE THIS HANDBOOK AT ANY TIME, TO BE EFFECTIVE FOLLOWING AT LEAST 30 DAYS AFTER WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE CHANGE IS GIVEN TO RESIDENT. Resident agrees to pay the Community for services provided by the Community as outlined in this handbook and determined and agreed upon through the assessment and service planning process.


It is the Community's belief that each resident residing in the Community is here because he or she needs or wants some level of assistance in order to remain as independent as possible. It is also the Community's belief that residents wish to take an active role in managing their own care. Resident and Community will negotiate a service plan that is tailored to meet each resident's individual needs. To help determine services required for each resident, a multi-dimensional needs assessment is conducted. Information gathered during this process is used to develop each individual's care options. The assessment will identify the amount of additional staff assistance each resident may need to maintain his or her desired level of independence and autonomy.

The service plan uses a point/time base system to determine the amount of assistance necessary. All residents receive the "Basic Services" outlined below.

Basic Services

Residents who require services as determined through the evaluation and nurse assessment and service planning process, other than those services provided under Basic Services, are charged by the Community based on the points associated with each service. Residents are charged per point as outlined above.

If the assessment and service planning process identifies a service need, the resident can choose to receive the service from the Community, and pay the Community based on the cost per point for the service, or the resident can arrange for others to provide the necessary service. If family, friends or others are able to provide the service and the Community is not obligated to provide the necessary service, this will relieve resident of the costs, which would otherwise be charged to the resident by the Community. If the resident requests the Community to provide services to meet a need identified in the assessment process, the resident agrees to let Community staff enter their apartment, after knocking and announcing their identity, for the purpose of providing the services.

Each resident's service needs will be re-evaluated 30 days following move in, and will be re-evaluated every 90 days thereafter or as a resident’s condition changes. Each evaluation and assessment will result in a service plan. The service plan will reflect the agreement of the Community and resident regarding the resident's need for services, and with respect to each needed service will contain either the agreement of resident to purchase service from Community or the agreement of resident to obtain the service from another provider. Among the additional services not included in the Basic Services, are the following:

Additional Services

Nursing Services


Abuse Reporting and Investigation Policy

Abuse is prohibited. The Community employees, agents and all other associated with this community shall not permit, aid or engage in the mental, physical or verbal abuse of our residents. The administrative staff is to assure all requirements from the Oregon Administrative Rules concerning the reporting of abuse or suspected abuse are met.

All persons are encouraged to immediately report abuse or suspected abuse. Including events overheard or witnessed by observation. When abuse is reported or suspected, the administration shall immediately initiate an investigation. If the investigation yields reasonable cause for substantiated abuse, then Senior and People with Disabilities is to be notified immediately. If there is suspected abuse believed to be a crime, local law enforcement agency is called first. Physical injury of unknown cause must be reported to the local SPD office, or the local AAA, as suspected abuse, unless immediate Community investigation reasonable concludes and documents that the physical injury is not the result of abuse. If an immediate investigation reasonably concludes that abuse did occur, these finding and the procedure was taken shall be documented. In cases of incidents that are not abuse or injuries of unknown cause where abuse has been ruled out, the Community will respond appropriately, which may include such things as re-assessment, monitoring, or medication review.

Immunity and Prohibition of Retaliation. The Community employees and agents will not retaliate in any way against anyone who participates in the making of an abuse complaint, including but not limited to restricting otherwise lawful access to the Community or to any resident or if an employee, dismissal or harassment.

Anyone who, in good faith, reports abuse or suspected abuse shall have immunity from any liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed with respect to making or content of an abuse complaint.

Tips, Gratuities, and Loans

The Community performs criminal background checks and employs staff, who works for wages agreed upon in advance. Neither residents, their families, nor other persons are legally allowed to offer tips, gratuities, loans, gifts, or other financial remuneration to staff. Offering such things to staff are considered financial exploitation and a form of abuse. The law defines abuse as:

Financial exploitation which includes illegal or improper use of a resident’s resources or personal property for the personal profit or gain of another person; borrowing resident funds; spending resident funds without the resident or their designee’s consent or if the resident is not capable of consenting; spending resident funds for items or services from which the resident cannot benefit or appreciate; or spending resident funds to acquire items for use in common areas when such purchase is not authorized by the resident; Staff who accept them are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Sexual Relations between Staff and Residents Is Strictly Prohibited

Sexual contact with a resident, including fondling, by an employee or agent of this Community by; physical force; physical or verbal threat or harm or deprivation to the resident or others; use of position, authority or misinformation to compel a resident to do what the resident would not otherwise do; or where the resident has no reasonable ability to consent is strictly prohibited.

For the purpose of this policy, consent means a voluntary agreement or concurrence of wills. The mere failure of the resident to object does not, in and of itself, constitute an expression of consent. When abuse is reported or suspected, the administration shall immediately initiate and investigation and follow Abuse Reporting protocol.

Risk Agreement

Assisted living and residential care facilities in Oregon operate on the principle of RISK AGREEMENT. Risk Agreement allows the elderly or disabled person the choice of living more independently than would be allowed in some institutional settings such as nursing facilities. With the increase in independence comes some increased risk to Resident. Below are listed some of the features of assisted living / residential care and some of the risks each present.

Features and Risks

Admission Policy

It is the policy of this Community to admit all residents without regard to race, color, sex, disability (with reasonable accommodation), or national origin. The same requirements for admission are applied to everyone. Apartment assignments are made on a random basis by the Community unless specific units are requested and available.

In an effort to provide a safe and homelike environment for our residents, it is the policy of this Community to conduct a screening of all applicants for residency prior to admission. We will be contacting the local sex offender registration units to obtain information regarding their conviction status (if any).

According to an Oregon Law which became effective January 1, 2006, long-term care facilities (including Assisted Living and Residential Care) have the right to refuse admission based on the status of a convicted sex offender and may discharge a resident who has been admitted to the Community after January 1, 2006, if the Community can meet the criteria from the rule.

Intra-Community Move Policy

In the event a resident becomes qualified for Medicaid, the Community may require the resident to move to an available studio unit when a studio becomes available for occupancy, at the Community’s expense.

Concerns and Recommendations

Any resident who has a concern or recommendation is invited to voice that concern directly to the Executive Director/ Administrator/ Designee.

The resident, family member or sponsor, manager and appropriate departmental supervisor, when necessary, will meet to discuss possible solutions.

In addition to this process, our activity department holds regular resident council meetings giving each resident an opportunity to make suggestions about their living arrangements and care. Appropriate departmental supervisors attend, with permission from the residents, to these meetings and are expected to work with the council to ensure that concerns are immediately addressed.

The service plan provides an opportunity for concerns and recommendations to be voiced. Each service plan is an individual agreement created to meet the unique and personal needs of each resident. Whenever a change to the service plan is warranted, the input is sought from the resident, Community staff, family and others involved in the resident’s direct care. The resident’s choice is central to all decisions regarding changes to the service plan.

Move In/Move Out

Residents may be admitted by Community if the type and amount of assisted care, the accommodations and the environment needed by the resident can be met by the Community and if the resident meets the other admission requirements of Community. The resident's initial level of care will be determined prior to admission through a screening process, to determine the prospective resident’s service needs and preferences. The screening will determine the ability of the Community to meet the potential resident’s needs and preferences while considering the needs of the other residents and the Community’s overall service capability. The Oregon Administrative Rules will be followed to determine if the potential resident meets admission criteria.

The Department of Human Services, Seniors and People with Disabilities Division encourages facilities to support a resident’s choice to remain in his or her living environment while recognizing that some residents may no longer be appropriate for the community-based care setting due to safety and medical limitations.

1. Information is specified in the Community’s disclosure information that describes the types of health, nursing, behavior and care services our community is unable to provide.

2. The Community will give written notification of form number SDS 0567 to the resident, the resident’s legal representative and case manager, if applicable when the Community requests a resident to move from the Community. The resident will be given 30 days’ advance written notice to move from the Community unless a shorter move out period is appropriate as described below:

A resident may be asked to move from a Community if one or more of the following circumstances exists:

  • The resident’s needs exceed the level of ADL services the Community provides as specified in the Community’s disclosure information;
  • The resident engages in behavior or actions that repeatedly and substantially interferes with the rights, health, or safety of residents or others;
  • The resident has a medical or nursing condition that is complex, unstable or unpredictable and exceeds the level of health services the Community provides as specified in the Community’s disclosure information;
  • The Community is unable to accomplish resident evacuation in accordance with OAR 411-054-0090 (Fire and Life Safety);
  • The resident exhibits behavior that poses a danger to self or others;
  • The resident engages in illegal drug use, or commits a criminal act that causes potential harm to the resident or others; or
  • Non-payment of charges.

The resident must be given 30 days’ advance written notice before being moved from the Community, except in the following unusual circumstances:

  • A resident who leaves the Community to receive urgent medical or psychiatric care may return to the Community unless, at the time the resident is to return, Community staff have re-evaluated the resident’s needs and have determined that the resident’s needs cannot be met at the Community.
  • If the health or safety of the resident or others is in jeopardy and undue delay in moving the resident increases the risk of harm, the Community may give less than 30 days’ advance written notice of form number SDS 0568.

A written notice of form number SDS 0568 must be given to the resident or the resident’s legal representative on the date the Community makes its determination. The written notice will contain the specific reasons the Community is unable to meet the resident’s needs, as determined by the Community’s evaluation.

Additional Move In/Out Information

Loading and Unloading in Driveway

1. Due to the necessity of emergency vehicle accessibility, time for "people" loading and unloading under the covered barrier-free main entrance is limited to five minutes with keys in the vehicle.

2. All loading and unloading of resident furnishings and commercial products must be done at the service entrance.


The resident is issued one key to their apartment, one key to their mailbox, and one key to the outside door nearest their apartment (if requested and applicable). There is no deposit for keys. However, in the event any of the keys are lost or cannot be returned, then Resident is obligated to pay the Community for the cost of a new lock and new keys to replace existing keys for the old lock with respect to each such lost or misplaced key.

Lockable Storage Space

The Community may provide for the safekeeping of a resident’s small valuable items and funds in their individual apartments (e.g., drawer, cabinet or closet). Both the Administrator and resident may have keys.


1. Residents may use the Community parking lot free of charge. Please be considerate of others and do not park in the handicapped spaces unless you have a current handicapped-parking permit. 2. We request that you register your vehicle at the front desk for identification purposes.


1. Fish, birds, cats and very small dogs may be kept by residents’ subject to prior approval by the management. A non- refundable deposit of $300 is required to accompany pet arrangements.

2. Pet care is the responsibility of the resident unless special assistance has been requested and has been indicated as part of the service agreement.

3. A monthly pet fee may be charged by the community for all four-legged pets. This fee is established by the individual community policy.


The term ‘smoking’ refers to igniting, inhaling, breathing, and exhaling or carrying of any lighted cigarette, cigar, vape pen, pipe, tobacco, marijuana or herbal product, or any product intended to be ignited and inhaled in any manner or form.

The term ‘smoking’ refers to igniting, inhaling, breathing and exhaling or carrying of any lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, tobacco, marijuana or herbal product, or any product intended to be ignited and inhaled in any manner or form. Residents and guests may smoke (including cigars and pipes) outside the building if it can be done safely and without damage to property, in designated area(s); posted “No smoking, Oxygen in Use” and “No Oxygen Equipment, Smoking Area. Oxygen cylinders and other oxygen delivery equipment are not permitted within 20 feet of smoking shelters or smoking areas. Resident shall remove the mask of cannula, shut off the oxygen supply, and wait for oxygen to dissipate for a minimum of five minutes prior to smoking. Studies have shown oxygen can remain in materials and clothing for up to 20 minutes.

Smoking shall be prohibited where conditions are such as to make smoking a hazard, and in spaces where flammable of combustible materials are stored or handled.

The Oregon legislature passed a smoke-free workplace law in 2007. The new law prohibits smoking within 10 feet of entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes.

Residents and guests are required to discard smoking materials, and provided receptacles are to be used. No smoking is allowed inside of any resident's apartment or in the interior common spaces.

A fire risk evaluation shall be conducted for all new residents that wish to smoke prior to being authorized to smoke and reassessment shall be conducted when renewing an oxygen prescription or at any time there is a significant changing in the resident’s abilities. Residents, family members, and guest of these high-risk residents that exhibit unsafe clinical, physical or behavioral traits involving smoking; smoking materials may not be kept in the room of, or on the person.

When there is potential or identified conflict between the resident’s right to smoke and/or the resident does continue smoking while the risk of harm to self or others. In all cases, resident safety will outweigh their right to smoke. The Community may modify or amend its non-smoking policy, with accommodation to residents who smoked prior to the change, after not less than 30 days’ prior notice.


A Community living/TV room is furnished with a television and DVD player for common use by all residents. The Community may also provide a cable TV hookup in each apartment. Each resident is responsible for installation, monthly payments and disconnecting of cable television if they choose to have it. Residents desiring cable should check at the Community office to make arrangements to have the cable connected.

Telephone Use Policy

It is the policy of this Community to make a telephone available for residents to send and receive telephone calls. For incoming calls, residents will be brought to an available telephone. Outgoing (local) calls may be made from the public telephone available to all residents in the designated telephone areas.

Firearms, Ammunition, and Weapons Policy

The Community strictly prohibits a resident’s, a visitor’s, or an employee’s possession of firearms, ammunition, and weapons within the Community. If firearms, ammunition, or weapons are discovered in a resident’s, a visitor’s, or an employee’s possession or environment they will be asked to immediately surrender them to our staff who will keep them in a secure place until arrangements are made to take off the Community property.

The Community prohibits residents and visitors from introducing, buying, selling possessing, carrying or using weapons or ammunition on property owned by or under the control of the Community or during Community directed activities. Violations of this policy may result in the termination of the resident’s lease. Non-resident violators also may be asked to leave the Community property, and if they refuse to do so, such refusal may constitute an unlawful trespass. For the purpose of this policy, "weapons" means:

1. Any object or device which is designed to expel a bullet, shot or shell by the action of an explosive;

2. Any object or device which will, or may be readily converted to, expel a bullet, shot or shell by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel,

3. Any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun or other firearm of any nature;

4. Any explosive, incendiary or poison gas (A) bomb, (B) mine (C) grenade, or (D) rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, or (E) missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than 1/4 ounce;

5. Any incendiary or explosive material, liquid, solid or mixture equipped with a fuse, wick or other detonating device;

6. Any tear gas bomb or smoke bomb; however, personal self-defense items containing mace or pepper spray shall not be deemed to be a weapon for the purposes of this policy; or

7. Any knife, commonly referred to as a switch-blade, which has a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, or any knife having a blade that opens or falls or is ejected into position by the force of gravity or by an outward, downward or centrifugal thrust or movement; any straight-blade knife such as a dagger, dirk, doughboy knife, dangerous knife or stiletto; except that common kitchen knife or an ordinary pocket knife with a blade no more than four inches in length shall not be construed to be a weapon for the purposes of this policy.

For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Community property refers to all real properties owned, leased, rented, or under the control of the Community. This includes any temporary facilities.

Temporary facilities are amenities that the Community uses to conduct an activity intended primarily for residents, families, residents’ invited guests, staff, or invited guests of the Community, rather than for the general public.

Community-directed activity refers to an event intended solely for residents, families, residents’ invited guests, staff, or invited guests of the Community; it is not intended for the general public. These activities include, but are not limited to, picnics, outings, trips, in-Community events, receptions, meetings, and conferences.


Our Community is designed to be a safe and secure Community; however, residents are asked not to bring large amounts of cash or valuables to the Community, as we cannot guarantee their safety. The Community is responsible only if negligent. Residents are asked to lock their units in their absence.

Lost and Found Items

The lost and found will be located at the front desk. Found resident or staff items are to be turned into the lost and found immediately upon discovery. Every reasonable effort will be made to determine the owner of the item and return it. An unclaimed item will be held at least 90 days. After that time, it may be disposed of as the Administrator sees fit. A record of the retention and disposal of the item will be kept on file. Lost items will be searched for in all reasonable places where the item could be lost. Apartments, only at the resident’s permission, will they be searched for the lost item. The staff in all departments will be made aware of resident’s missing items to increase the changes the item(s) may be located.

Visiting Hours

Visiting hours are flexible. Residents may come and go as they please provided there are no physician orders to the contrary. Visitors coming to the Community are encouraged to come between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and dusk as the building is locked about that time each evening.


1. It is the goal of the Community to serve all residents within thirty minutes of the posted service time. Residents may be seated any time during the posted service times. Meals are primarily observed at:

  • Breakfast 6:45am - 8:30am 
  • Lunch 11:15am - 12:30pm 
  • Dinner 4:15pm - 5:30pm

2. Reasonable substitutions in the menu are available when pre-arranged.

3. Food will be made available 24-hours a day for all residents that reside in the facility.

4. Physician's orders are needed for regularly prepared special diets and snacks.

5. Our dietary department prepares meals with low sodium, low spice, low sugar and low fat, as much as possible. If you prefer more salt, spice, and condiments with your meals, we suggest you season them to your taste at the table.

6. Your guests are most welcome in our dining room. Please make advance arrangements. Refer to "other charges" for more information.

7. The private dining room is available to all our residents. Please make reservations at the front desk.

Fees and Other Charges

Residents who are not feeling well may have three meals sent to their apartments each month at no cost. Trays delivered in addition to this are billed at $3.00 per tray unless special arrangements have been made. Medicaid residents are exempt from this fee.

Additional housekeeping services may be requested by residents if they would like their apartments cleaned more than the weekly service provided with the program. Additional services are billed out at an hourly rate or may be included in the Service Plan Agreement if such services are to be routinely provided.

Guest meal tickets may be obtained at the front desk during normal business hours. Tickets may be purchased with cash, check, or charged to resident's monthly statement.

  • Daily Meals $5.00 - $7.00 
  • Special and Holiday $10.00 - $14.00

For the convenience of our residents, a personal attendant program is available. There will occasionally be times when the resident or family would like to have additional services. For that reason, we have established this program to provide additional staff. It is important to remember that these staff must be scheduled in advance and are subject to availability. These personal attendants can be provided for short periods of time or for as long as the resident requires them. All staff provided services beyond those set up in the service plan and option levels will be billed as separate charges on monthly statements. Types of additional services might include the following:

  • Personal laundry
  • Personal attendant
  • Medical supplies
  • Personal maintenance
  • Personal maintenance

The in-house beauty shop operator (and/or day spa operators) is an independent contractor. She/he will bill for their services separately. Prices are set by the beauty shop operator.


1. Weekly apartment housekeeping services are included in monthly rental rate. The routine scheduled service involves 30 minutes of scrubbing bathroom surfaces and floor, kitchenette surfaces, refrigerator and freezer when needed, carpet, vacuuming and basic dusting. Dusting is a very individual service depending upon the nature of resident's personal furnishings and will be done as time allows or with special arrangements. If more is needed, special arrangements can be made for an additional fee.

2. Residents are encouraged to be as independent as possible. If you wish to do more of your own housekeeping, please make arrangements with the housekeeper when you wish to do more.

Medical and Other Appointments

1. Residents and/or families are encouraged to schedule their own appointments when appropriate. When residents need assistance, the staff are available to schedule appointments.

2. The Community may provide scheduled van transportation to appointments (if the community has a vehicle). A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required for this service. The notice should be given at the front desk.

3. Special arrangements for van transportation on other days of the week can be made, subject to availability of staff and van, for an additional charge.

Medical and Other Appointments

1. Residents and/or families are encouraged to schedule their own appointments when appropriate. When residents need assistance, the staff are available to schedule appointments.

2. The Community may provide scheduled van transportation to appointments (if the community has a vehicle). A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required for this service. The notice should be given at the front desk.

3. Special arrangements for van transportation on other days of the week can be made, subject to availability of staff and van, for an additional charge.

Medical Emergencies

One of the Community's major responsibilities is to assist residents in case of emergency. However, keep in mind; we do not have medical staff on duty 24 hours a day. Our basic emergency response procedure is:

1. Immediate evaluation and assistance within the realm of our non-medical staff.

2. If the evaluation indicates a possible life-threatening situation or major injury, the physician and or Community nurse will be called by staff. If directed the staff will then call 911. Family members will be notified of the 911 call.

3. If the evaluation indicates a choice between seeking emergency help and a non-emergency response such as family transporting to the physician, staff will offer the choice to the resident and honor the request. Then the family will be contacted regarding the situation.

4. Emergency medical information is regularly maintained for each resident and will be available to emergency personnel.

5. It is assumed that all residents wish resuscitation unless an original, signed, official "POLST" form is filed in the resident's medical emergency information.


1. Decisions regarding self-medication or staff-administered medication are made between resident, physician, family and staff. Signed physician's orders are necessary for each resident.

2. Staff-administration may or may not include over-the-counter drugs. Therefore, physician's orders need to clearly state the distinction.

3. Residents are free to use the pharmacy of their choice with the following considerations:

  • Medication administered by the staff will have access to at least a 30-day supply on hand at all times.
  • Delivery is provided by pharmacy, resident or family.
  • Billing for medications is direct to resident or representative payee unless special arrangements have been made with our business office.
  • Re-ordering of staff-administered medications will be done by staff unless assessment agreement indicates otherwise.
  • Residents have a right to refuse medications. When medications are refused by a resident the physician will be notified.
  • When leaving Community during hours that have scheduled medications, residents and families are responsible for taking medications with them.
  • Staff-administered medications not taken within one hour (1 hour either side) of scheduled times will be withheld unless special arrangements have been made through physician or management.
  • Medication changes for staff-administered residents must always be accompanied by phone order or written notice directly to staff. It is important that specific physician orders are received so all medications can be dispensed in accordance with physician directives.
  • Ordering new medication is not the responsibility of the Community. Please ask physician's office to place order.
  • Discrepancies in medication orders or dispensing are not excusable, but occasionally do happen. If you believe such a problem exists, notify staff immediately.
  • All Community-dispensed medications must be bubble packed in accordance with Community policy.
  • Residents that use their own outside pharmacy will be charged an additional fee on their service plan.

Refund Policy

It is the policy of this Community to issue refunds under the following conditions:

1. Hospitalization. When a resident requires hospitalization to meet their health care needs and is unable to return to the Community, a refund will be issued for any portion of unused rent beginning from the day the unit is vacated, cleaned and ready for occupancy. This is only true if the resident is unable to return based on the medical opinion of the attending physician. If the resident is able to return but chooses not to, then a standard 30-day notice would be required.

2. Death. In the event of death, a refund will be issued for any portion of unused rent beginning from the day the unit is vacated, cleaned and ready for occupancy. A refund will be issued within thirty (30) days following the removal of all personal belongings.

3. Discharge. In the event a resident is asked to move because they present a realistic danger to the health, safety, well-being, or property of themselves, other residents, or staff, a refund will be issued for any portion of unused rent beginning from the day the unit is vacated, cleaned and ready for occupancy. A refund will be issued within thirty (30) days following the removal of all personal belongings.

4. Voluntary Move. In the event a resident decides to move, a thirty (30) day written notice is required. A refund will be issued for any unused portion of rent remaining. A refund will be issued within thirty (30) days following the removal of all personal belongings. In the event a balance is owed to the Community, the responsible party will be asked to pay the balance within fifteen (15) days of vacating the unit.

Personal Laundry

1. Residents are encouraged to use the resident laundry facilities for personal items. Machines are available free of charge, but residents will need to provide their own laundry products. 

2. Staff-provided personal laundry services are available for an additional charge. It is required that personal laundry is marked for identification when staff is doing resident's personal laundry.

Returning from Hospital/Emergency Room

1. Returning from an emergency room (ER) only visit:

a. You must notify Community staff that you are returning so that proper arrangements can be made for any personal care needs.

b. Prior to returning, new medication orders prescribed in the ER need to come home with the resident, and be ordered by the ER physician for delivery by the pharmacy to the Community.

c. Signed physician's orders from ER need to accompany returning resident, with a copy for Community records to be given to staff upon return. 

d. Transportation to the Community from ER is the responsibility of the resident.

2. Returning from hospital admission:

a. The Community must adjust staffing based on care needs brought about by changes in medical condition and will make temporary or long care plan adjustments in conjunction with a discharge planner to accommodate residents returning from the hospital. In some cases, residents have a need for semi-skilled care or 24-hour care. This is not routinely available at Community. Discharge planners and family are encouraged to discuss options with management before developing plans.

b. It is not our policy to accept residents back from the hospital until the following procedures have been followed:

  • Discharge plans have been agreed upon by a physician, resident, and Community.
  • Signed physician's orders accompany a resident with treatment and medication regime.
  • New medications and equipment have been obtained.
  • Appropriate staffing has been arranged.
  • Management is available and the return has been scheduled to ensure a smooth return.
  • The resident has been assessed and it is determined their needs can be met at the current time by Community staff.


The Community is sensitive to the balance between security and independence. In order to provide a safe environment, the following measures are in place:

1. Residents are given individual keys to their apartment, and mailbox.

2. Main entrance doors remain unlocked during the daylight hours. All other outside doors are locked from the outside at all times.

3. A staff member is on duty 24 hours a day.

4. Call cords are available in at least one location in each apartment. The community may operate with a “Life Line” system instead, and in this case, each resident will be provided with a pendant or wristband, and a telephone (phone service not included) for emergency call purposes.

5. A voluntary sign-out/sign-in book is available at the front desk for residents who wish to let us know their whereabouts.

6. Staff will check in with residents who do not come to meals.

7. Resident service plans can be designed to include routine check-ins, otherwise, staff will not enter apartments unless called, or to provide scheduled assistance.

8. All visitors are asked to sign in at the desk.

9. Unrecognized visitors will not be allowed to wander through the building unescorted.

Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plan

The purpose of the Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans, as required by OAR 411-054-0093, is to ensure that all residences have plans in place in event of a disaster and emergency (e.g., fire. Smoke, bomb threat or explosion, prolonged power failure, structural damage, water or sewer loss, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, flood, earthquake, chemical spill or leak, missing resident), or other such emergencies

If evacuation must occur, an evacuation site or housing site will be needed until such time residents may be returned to the community or are placed in an alternative Community.

In the event of an emergency that requires evacuation, the community has a written plan for transportation, housing residents and notification SPD and the local AAA office or designee. The local emergency authority, fire marshal designee, or agency with local emergency jurisdiction will review and approve this plan.

The community has a plan and supplies sufficient to shelter in place for a minimum of three days without electricity, running water, or replacement of staff.

First Aid supplies are provided, properly labeled and readily accessible for a minor injury.

All staff is in-service to the elements and is capable of responding and assisting in the event of an emergency or a disaster.

All residents are instructed about the community’s fire and life safety procedures within 24 hours of admission and re- instructed at last annually in general safety procedures, evacuation methods and encourage to actively participating in emergency and disaster drills.

It is expected that any disruption will be minimized and a return to normalcy will be the highest priority.