A place for The Residents of Garden Apartments to share their ideas!
LAST UPDATED 12/3/2024
To submit a post for consideration or if you have any questions about any of the posted items, please reach out to the Resident mentioned in the post, or email LifeEnrichment@crista.net and we can connect you with these residents.
*Disclaimer* Anything posted on this feed is at the request of the resident sponsor of the post. Please note that inclusion in this fee does not mean to imply or suggest endorsement by CRISTA nor should it be construed as such. The sole intent for this post is to allow a space for Residents to share and connect with other like-minded residents for the purpose of building community. Posts may be taken down due to conflict with CRISTA Ministries mission and purpose.
Brian in A305 is very passionate about his work with Hopelink and would like to know if any fellow Garden Residents are interested in volunteering also. He states the need is great. Please reach out to him if you would like to know more about this volunteer opportunity.
Or Email LifeEnrichment@crista.net and we'll connect you with Brian.
Alan Barr in R110 is very excited about a group he is involved with called Legacy Coalition, dedicated to Christian Grandparenting. If you would like to know more about this - please reach out to Alan.
Mary Beth in C207 oversees the beautiful garden of memories rose garden and is always looking for her fellow green-thumbed residents to help out. Please reach out to Mary Beth if you would like to help cultivate this beautiful place!